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Every Teenager’s Nightmare: Acne

The appearance of a teenager is very important for them.  Acne is one of the major problems that affect them. They spend a great deal of time in front of a mirror trying to hide or get rid of pimples. Several teenagers take various medications, which, while helping to prevent and fight acne they cause several side effects in teenagers, such as dry skin and discoloration.  However, here are easier, cheaper and healthier ways to get rid of pimples. This week we found three natural ways. Choose and use!!

·Honey mask: honey is a sticky texture that cleans the face!

Mix two tablespoons of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon, apply to your face and leave it for 5-15 minutes and then wash it with warm water.

·Garlic: contains antiseptic properties that kill bacteria which is trapped in the pores of the skin.

Cut a garlic clove in half, rub the juice on the pimples or mash it and apply it in the pimples and leave it for 15-20 minutes and then wash it with warm water.

· Fresh papaya juice: papaya is full antioxidants and vitamin A soothes and softens the skin, reducing the chances of inflammation!

Take a fresh papaya, put it in the blender in order to create a pulpy juice and apply to your skin until dry and then wash it with cold water.




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