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A person's wrapping

Imagine you have to pick one candy from a jar full of them without knowing what is inside. Wouldn't you pick one with the best wrapping?

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One Smile a thousand words

Beauty is a huge thing…but it is not about being naturally beautiful! It is about feeling this way and knowing where to find it. We find it in everyone’s smiles. A smile is always received positively but a shiny smile always attracts attention. So from lips to teeth..let’s see how to get the perfect smile...

Every teenager's nightmare: Acne

The appearance of a teenager is very important for them.  Acne is one of the major problems that affect them. Several teenagers take various medications, which, while helping to prevent and fight acne they cause several side effects in teenagers. However, there are easier, cheaper and healthier ways to get rid of pimples. This week we found three natural ways...

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Natural ways to dye your hair

Is your hair looking a little tarnished? No need to worry about it! There are always natural ways to deal with it and you can use simple products and get breathtaking results! So here you are…

Orange it up!(part 1)

Eat, squeeze, rub your skin with them...whatever you choose to do with your oranges one thing is true: They are everywhere, they are cheap and they can be used for a dozen of things when it comes to your beauty routine. So grab one and let’s get started!

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