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The five meals of the day... for teens

During our teenage years it's important to ­eat correctly to provide our body with the amount of energy it needs for our daily activities, for example: staying awake during class, studying, playing games and much more...

Why we overeat

  • Too many options to choose at one meal

  • Eating out.

  • Dining in front of the TV or computer.....

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Most teens skip breakfast, and when you ask them why they will tell you it's because they don't have time to eat...

The mighty blogger that has made executives of companies lose sleep

Vani Harry is a beautiful brunette who has managed, through a blog she’s using, to change the tactics of large corporate food companies. This impressive girl investigates both the methods and the food ingredients used by the big USA companies...

3 of the most healthy food on the planet

Healthy Food #1: Lemons

Why They're Healthy:

— Just one lemon has more than 100 percent of your daily intake of vitamin C, which may help...

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