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Natural ways to dye your hair


Is your hair looking a little tarnished? No need to worry about it! There are always natural ways to deal with it and you can use simple products and get breathtaking results! So here you are…

Lighten your hair:

You can always use lemon juice to lighten your hair color. Mix a cup of water with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and apply it to your hair. Then just sit in the sunlight until your hair dries. And the smell will be great! So why not ?

Another way to lighten your hair is using cinnamon and hair conditioner. All you have to do is mix some cinnamon with a handful of conditioner and apply it to your hair. Then just pull your hair up and keep it like that with a clip. For the best results leave the mixture there all night and in the morning it will be ready with some great highlights. Another way to not only lighten your hair, but also smell nice!

You can also use tea. Boil water and add a tea bag for 10 minutes. When the tea has cooled apply it to your hair and leave it for 15 minutes. You may need to repeat the process 2 or 3 times but it’s worth it!

Other ways to lighten your hair are by using salt, baking soda, henna powder or even honey with vinegar!

For black hair :

It may sound hard to dye your hair black but there is a way. Using black walnut powder can give you very dark, almost black hair.

For red hair :

Using tomato juice is one of the best ways to dye your hair red! Massage some tomato juice into hair, and then pile your hair on top of your head. Cover with a plastic bag or shower cap, and leave it for about 30 minutes.

For brown hair:

For brown hair you can use black tea or coffee which is claimed to work better.  

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