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Orange it up! (part 1)


Eat, squeeze, rub your skin with them...whatever you choose to do with your oranges one thing is true: They are everywhere, they are cheap and they can be used for a dozen of things when it comes to your beauty routine. So grab one and let’s get started!


  • They are excellent moisturizers due to containing oil!

  • They are a healthy snack when it comes to diet ! They are low in calories and high in fibers so you feel full for a longer time.

  • Grind orange peels to make a paste and then apply it to your skin. The acid of the peels dries out acne and gets rid of the toxins that produce it.

  • Juicing and icing orange juice in ice cube trays and rubbing them on your skin makes it brighter and controls oiliness.

  • A glass of orange juice daily improves your skin, nails and hair, so…Drink up!


To learn more just wait till our next article! Until then why don’t you try our tips and inform us about the results? We are looking forward to it!

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