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Are you an apple or a pear?

How can exercise change fat’s distribution on our body? There are factors called epigenetics that have an effect on whether our DNA will express itself fully, partly or differently. Meaning that even though we “carry” some specific genes we inherited from our parents and for that reason we accumulate fat either on the belly and the waist (apple type) or the hips (pear type), fat distribution seems to be able to change through external factors, such as continuous exercising.



Six months of continuous exercising, like cycling, can change the way our body stores fat.


Water polo is a team water sport. The game consists of...

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Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net. Each team tries to...

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Advantages of team sports (Football, Basketball)

Footbal and basket

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How technology helps fitness!

There are many ways that you can use technology to help you to chart, improve upon and plan your fitness routine. Whether you're an amateur athlete or professional....

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Why yoga is good for us:

Yoga is a science that has been practiced for thousands of years. It  consists of Ancient Theories, observations and principles about the mind and body connection which is now being proven by modern medicine...

Running on the corridor


  • All the muscles are getting a work up

  • It improves the general energy level of a person, cardiovascular function and endurance

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